Sunday, August 30, 2020

Time Strategies

Time management "strategies" concern me a bit as I have not really thought about them in a few years. When I worked in an office we accepted and acknowledged that email was a great way to lose hours of your day and built in dedicated time each day just for email. When email time was up, we moved on to other tasks. Things like that are basically how I manage my day to day life and classes. I don't know if I have any overall thoughts or strategies other than know how long it takes you to do things and what distracts you. Get away from your distractions so you can get things done and get some sleep!

(Photo information: "Wibbly wobbly timey wimey" by piX1966 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Also if you are a procrastinator and just can't stop - triage! Don't go for days without sleep to get multiple papers or projects in on time unless all of them are going to really hurt you points wise. Take stock of where you are in each class, what the class policies are and take a nap. You'll probably think better once you've had some sleep.

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