This story was about a family of 3 sisters and an elderly mother. Two of the sisters are unnamed, shown as greedy. The third sister is named Mary, she just asks for flowers when the mother goes to town.
Mother stays late in the market town because of the demanding daughters and gets lost in the woods. Forgot she had a 3rd nice daughter and so she makes a quick stop for flowers at a mystery castle that is apparently owned by a basilisk. The basilisk is very possessive of the flowers and demands "nice" daughter in exchange for not eating anyone.
The nice daughter goes to the castle so no one gets eaten.Yay!
After 3 days at the castle, everyone is getting along and the basilisk says cut off my head. Boo!?
Daughter is not a fan of swords and doesn't really want to do this, but her choices are get eaten or chop off a head. She goes with the head chopping. Basilisk turns into a serpent, gets head chopped off again and turns into a human who owns the castle. Yay again!
Presumably everyone lives happily ever after but either way they had a big wedding.
Three roses
(Photo information: "the last roses"
is licensed under
CC BY-NC 2.0)
Story source: The Key of Gold by Josef Baudis (1922). The Three Roses
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