Monday, November 30, 2020

Review - Week 13

I can't believe the semester is almost over! I did not get things finished up like I wanted over the break because of illness, but I am thankful that so far I do not have covid.  

I have my Japan story started but after a couple of (NEGATIVE YAY) Covid tests I spent the past week and half absolutely miserable. There isn’t really enough to post and I don’t think I have the headspace for an author’s note today. But hey, it isn’t a holiday at my house unless someone has a random unspecified illness. I have some lovely prednisone for my sinuses now and hopefully the last of my migraine will die off once things clear up. Fingers crossed the next covid test is also negative. (Extra testing because social work practicum – being out in our social service agencies makes for extra stress!)

 I THINK if I can do basically all the assignments and extra credit for the next two weeks I can finish with a B? Yikes. I wanted to finish up over the holiday break but my body had other plans. I’ll have to look closely at all the points totals again. At this point I’ll take what I can get and start fresh in January. Between practicum and the ice storm the middle of this semester actually kicked my butt!


Reading Notes: Russian Fairy Tales, Part A

 Story source: Russian Fairy Tales by W. R. S. Ralston (1887).

The Miser

A story about a coin...(google kopek amounts)

Money is owed but not paid - eventually the one who owes, despite having funds, fakes his death.

The man who wants his coin gets very creative with the supposedly dead body.

Eventually when he threatens to have the man's head cut off by robbers the death is shown as a ruse! At this point the rich man who owes money and the man owed split up funds left behind by the robbers.

However the rich man still doesn't pay his original owed coin.



"Pound Coins" by Images_of_Money is licensed under CC BY 2.0 



Extra Credit Reading Notes: English Fairy Tales - Binnorie

 Story source: English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1890).

 It's the 2 sisters! If you forget the tale, sing it.

One sister is courted by a knight - the other is the true love.

The true love drowns after her sister pushes her in. She gets turned into a harp because it's a fairy tale, why not!

The harp is magic, because of course. So the magic harp goes to the sisters wedding feast and tells all about what happened. 

"Pretty Lady with a Harp" by Stanley Zimny (Thank You for 52 Million views) is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Extra Credit Reading Notes: Arabian Nights

 Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898).

The Story of the Fisherman

Inception style storytelling! Are we still telling stories? Is the top still spinning? 

Layers of storytelling with our main narrator actually telling the story, but within that story another character narrating a story. 

A fisherman is having bad luck fishing that turns really bad when he fishes up an angry genie. He frees the genie from the lamp and the genie is so angry about having been stuck in the lamp that he is going to kill him. But since the genie is such a nice guy, he will let the fisherman chose how he dies - bonus!

The fisherman tricks the genie into getting back into his lamp and so he has better luck and does not die.


 "Genie's lamp." by AnaChristina_ is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Friday, November 13, 2020

Storybook Laboratory - Story Research

 So my next story is going to be set in Japan. I haven't nailed down a timeline yet, but I have decided to probably use Mount Asama as my volcano.

It is an active volcano and is constantly monitored by the JMP and frequently seems to have at least a yellow level alert to not go near the crater. 

There is also an active volcano observatory on Mt Asama -

This would end up being a more modern story, or potentially a story set in an unknown future date. Volcano 'prediction' has advanced, but we are not to the point where we can give a date and time of an eruption. Even if scientists can say with certainty that a volcano will erupt 'soon' - that doesn't mean an evacuation will be ordered in time or enforced for long enough. 

Potential character names to use are Yuuki & Nozomi



"Sumi’e ink painting I did in Japan of Mt Asama." by Ronald Douglas Frazier is licensed under CC BY 2.0  

Monday, November 9, 2020

Reading Notes: Celtic Fairy Tales B - The Shee An Gannon and the Gruagach Gaire

 Story source: Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1892).

Story page - Shee an Gannon and the Gruagach Gaire

There is a LOT that goes on here - so my simple notes version is going to be that one of the fae wants to marry a princess so he gets a task from the king. That task has killed 11 other people but those people probably were not one of the fae. 

So off goes our hero, disguises are had and more tasks are piled on top of the original to achieve the original task. There are magic cows and giants and vessels for the milk - also missing giant's tongues and heads. After helping out the non laughing goblin who should be laughing, he finds out that he now has a sheep's wool back and 12 dead sons. 

Another task! Go find the man who killed the sons! The sons come back to life, vengeance is had and the goblin laughs. But woe - a sneaky prince from another kingdom is trying to take credit and marry the princess. 

The sneaky prince gets smacked, the fae marries the princess and the next day the lying prince gets roasted. Happy wedding feast!

"Sitting on the Giant feet, Mariposa Grove" by davdenic is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


Reading Notes: Celtic Fairy Tales A - Gold-tree and Silver-Tree

 Story source: Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1892).

Gold-tree and Silver-tree - A snow white type story. Instead of just the heart, the liver is requested as well. 

No magic mirror - the mother, Silver-tree, talks to the river to find out about beauty/who is fairest. 

Once Gold-tree escapes death the first time, the mother sails across the sea to commit murder - shades of sleeping beauty as well with poison thorn type item left in finger keeping victim in an enchanted death like sleep. 

Prince/husband remarries. Happy bluebeard ending in that he keeps only key for room where sleeping corpse of first wife is kept - new wife finds it, gets in, wakes her up. Husband is like hey cool, two wives!

Then they shove the bad mom in the ocean when she comes back AGAIN to kill the daughter and they all lived happily enough I guess. 

 What does the dad of Gold-tree/husband of Silver-tree think of all this? Maybe he got eaten too...

"Canada Silver Versus Gold Maple Leaf Bullion Coin Comparison" by Calgary Reviews is licensed under CC BY 2.0


Extra Credit Reading Notes: A Tribe That Left Its Shoes

 Combo legend - Atlantis in the gulf - tribe evacuates and breadcrumb trails like hansel & gretel.
Breadcrumbs are moccasins. But as they go further north, tribe ages/dies off so moccasins are turned to flowers/orchids. Toe of orchid always points south toward gulf so tribe can find way back to the gulf, where the island was. Legend is that island will eventually rise out of the gulf again and the tribe can go home. 

Island destroyed by fire/volcano so rising again would make sense if actually volcanic and rebuilt over many 1000s or 10000s years. Per notes flowers are lady slipper orchids. (Endangered I think? Native flower in area..)

Direct story source

Story source: When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and Other Indian Legends retold by Florence Stratton and illustrated by Berniece Burrough (1936).

"Lady Slipper Orchid, genus Paphiopedilum" by LadyDragonflyCC - >;< is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Review - Week 13

  "Thanksgiving Decoration" by alasam is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0    I can...